Top 20 linear regression interview Questions and Answers

In this post you will learn about 20 essential interview questions on linear regression, and related topics that will help you master Linear Regression and succeed in your Data Science interviews:

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Linear regression is used to represent the relationship between two continuous variables by minimising the space between the observed and anticipated values of the variables by the application of a straight line fit to the data.

What is the main assumption of Linear Regression?

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Assuming a linear relationship between independent and dependent variables is at the heart of linear regression analysis, y=mx+b.

Where do Multiple Linear Regression and Simple Linear Regression diverge most significantly?

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Different from Multiple Linear Regression, in which only one independent variable is used to make predictions about the dependent variable, Simple Linear Regression focuses on modelling the connection between two independent variables.

What is the main objective of Linear Regression?

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The main objective of linear regression is to create a model that best fits the data, minimizing the difference between predicted and actual values.

How is Linear Regression typically evaluated?

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Linear Regression models are evaluated using metrics like Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, and Root Mean Squared Error, which quantify the prediction accuracy.

What is the main advantage of Linear Regression over other regression models?

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The benefits of using linear regression stem from the fact that it is easy to understand and apply. Its popularity can be attributed to the ease with which it presents the connections between different variables.

What type of data is Linear Regression suitable for?

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Linear Regression is well-suited to continuous inputs and continuous data because it models a relationship between variables as a straight line.

What is the main disadvantage of Linear Regression?

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The accuracy of predictions made by linear regression is limited by its focus on linear correlations, its susceptibility to outliers, and its reliance on the selection of independent variables.

How does Logistic Regression vary from Linear Regression?

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Logistic Regression is used for predicting binary or categorical outcomes, making it applicable to classification tasks, while Linear Regression is used to predict continuous outcomes.

What is the main difference between Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Ridge Regression?

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Ridge Regression balances model complexity and accuracy in the face of multicollinearity by minimising residuals and adding a regularisation term to prevent overfitting.

What is the main difference between Lasso Regression and Ridge Regression?

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Using L1 regularisation, Lasso Regression promotes sparsity and enables feature selection. In order to prevent multicollinearity and strike a balance in terms of model complexity, Ridge Regression employs L2 regularisation.

What is the main difference between Polynomial Regression and Linear Regression?

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To model non-linear interactions between variables and account for curves and bends in the data, Polynomial Regression goes beyond Linear Regression.

What is the main difference between Bayesian Linear Regression and Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression?

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In contrast to Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression, Bayesian Linear Regression uses previous ideas about the parameters to provide a more thorough probabilistic framework.

What is the main difference between Multi-task Linear Regression and Multi-output Linear Regression?

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Multi-task Linear Regression can handle a number of interconnected jobs since it takes use of task correlations. Multi-output Although it may deal with numerous outputs, linear regression generally treats them as independent variables.

When comparing Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression, what is the primary distinction?

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By penalising extremely large coefficients, L2 regularisation is used to prevent overfitting in Ridge Regression. By using L1 regularisation, Lasso Regression promotes sparsity and makes it possible to pick features by setting some coefficients to zero.

What is the main difference between Ridge Regression and Elastic Net?

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Elastic Net combines L1 and L2 regularisation, whereas Ridge Regression uses L2 regularisation; both are useful for feature selection and dealing with multicollinearity.

How does Bayesian Linear Regression differ from traditional linear regression?

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What is the main difference between Linear Regression and Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)?

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The flexibility of Linear Regression is expanded in Generalised Linear Models (GLMs) by accommodating non-normal error distributions and other types of response variables.

Where do Linear and Non-linear Regression diverge most significantly?

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Assuming a straight line in its analysis, linear regression ignores any curves or bends in the data, while non-linear regression takes them into account.

How does Log-linear Regression vary from Linear Regression?

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Results having linear relationships can be predicted using linear regression. In order to simulate multiplicative relationships, such as percentages, Log-linear Regression logarithmically transforms variables.

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